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Ring Sling Buying Guide

Beth Beaney - the Executive Babywearing Consultant at Love To Be Natural

by , Executive Babywearing Consultant & Co-Founder, LTBN


Ring slings are great for newborns, babies and toddlers alike, but which should you buy for your little one? Make choosing your ring sling easier with this handy buying guide.


What Is a Ring Sling?

Ring slings are awesome; we absolutely love them! A ring sling is basically a long piece of woven wrap fabric with 2 aluminium rings sewn into one end. The length usually ranges from 1.7m to 2m. The tail (end of the woven wrap) is usually asymmetric.


A smiling woman in a pink dress carrying her baby in a Little Frog Ametrine Ring Sling
A toddler being carried in a ring sling.


What Are Ring Slings Made From?

Good ring slings are usually made from woven wrap fabric, sewn through two aluminium rings. As such they:

- have slight diagonal stretch, making the fabric firm to use - supportive enough to hold even a heavy toddler;

- are most often found in 100% cotton options (cotton is easy to care for, easy to wash and dry and suits babies of all ages);

- can be found in a variety of colours, designs, lengths, and weaves.

As ring slings are made from woven wrap fabric, they can also be found in several different blends or combinations of fibres such as cotton, cotton & silk, cotton & wool, cotton & hemp, cotton & linen, cotton & alpaca, cotton & cashmere, and cotton & bamboo.

The most popular and easiest to care for option are ring slings made from 100% cotton. And within cotton ring slings, there are several different weaves to choose from, such as cross-weave, diamond weave, herringbone and jacquard.

Let's look at each in turn!


1. Cross Weave

Cross weave designs are used extensively for ring slings, producing beautiful stripes and uni-colour wraps. They can have a firmer feeling initially, but soften to produce ring slings that work well with newborns and toddlers alike.


A ring sling made with cross weave woven wrap fabric.
A ring sling made with cross weave woven wrap fabric.


2. Diamond Weave

This produces a diamond shape within the weave. It llends itself to rainbow tones as it creates a shimmery-ness and is usually softer in-hand straight away compared to cross-weave.


A ring sling made from diamond weave woven wrap fabric.
A ring sling made with diamond weave woven wrap fabric.


3. Herringbone Weave

This produces a distinctive 'V' shape in the fabric. Works well in rainbow tones and stripes to produce a dual effect of colour and pattern, but also works beautifully with two colours, producing a soft-flowing pattern which is quite striking. Usually quite soft in-hand right from the start.


A ring sling made from herringbone weave woven wrap fabric.
A ring sling made with herringbone weave woven wrap fabric.


Jacquard Weave

This process produces some of the most intricate, delicate and bold designs that you'll find. It enables the weaver to produce intricate designs whereby the pattern is woven into the fabric producing detailed images or patterns. Jacquard wraps can be a little firmer in hand to begin with, but when wrapped with, produce the most stunning effects - flipped shoulders, or seeing both the top side and reverse in one carry.


A ring sling made from jacquard weave woven wrap fabric.
Jacquard weave


Ring Slings For Newborns

The 4th trimester is the period from birth to 3 months. Those first weeks and months are a time of great change for baby and you. Being held, being close, eases the transition from womb to world.


A ring sling is great for newborn babywearing
Babywearing with a newborn in a ring sling


Carrying in arms and in a sling is essential to the normal physical, psychological and neurological development of your baby. It’s the foundation on which their whole lives are built.

Every time you hold your baby close, the hormone oxytocin is released. Oxytocin (sometimes called the love hormone) is the hormone that underlies trust - it gives us that happy, warm feeling. So when we carry our babies close, oxytocin is released - it’s a feel-good thing.

Babies are meant to be carried. They need to be close to you, to be held. Babies feel more content, calmer next to you - you make them feel secure and safe. You are their world.

A ring sling is a wonderful option for the fourth trimester, newborn days and beyond. A single layer carry, without fuss, they are light, easy to care for and can be used way beyond the fourth trimester.


Ring Slings For Toddlers

Ring slings are great for newborns and babies, but they are especially useful with older babies / toddlers who are at the 'up and down' stage, as it is very quick and easy to pop baby in and out of the ring sling. Imagine that your little one is fairly steady on their feet, but with such bold steps comes tiredness. A ring sling can be carried neatly in a bag and taken out and used when needed.


A ring sling is great for carrying a toddler
Babywearing with a toddler in a ring sling


Ring Slings For Summer & Warm Weather

A ring sling can be a wonderful option in warmer weather. A single layer carry, there's less fuss, less fabric, less effort to get baby in the sling and secure. It's a lighter sling for you and for baby, and from a sensory perspective, it makes coping with the heat a little easier. As they are lighter, they tend to dry very quickly, so are ideal for washing and drying quickly.


A ring sling is great for using in warm weather
Ring slings are great for summer and warm weather.


Are Ring Slings Safe To Use?

Carrying your baby in a ring sling s a beautiful way to bond and make a deep connection. It also enables you to get on with the everyday - whether it's UN-style negotiations with other children, or simply being able to drink a hot cup of tea, having your baby in a sling or carrier can make that all so much easier.

Ring slings are perfectly safe to use when done so with common sense and understanding. As with all things in life a cupful of knowledge and a sprinkling of common sense is the best recipe to ensure happy, safe carrying for you and your little one. Always use a quality ring sling and ensure you read the instructions on its correct use.

Ring slings should always be used according to the instructions, and the ABC and TICKS safety guides.

Always make sure your ring sling is adjusted nice and snug to you; this should ensure baby is seated high (close enough to kiss) with their back soft, but very much supported. Once baby is in the sling, look at their profile - it should be capital ‘J’ shaped, and NOT ‘C’ shaped. Baby’s face and airway should be visible and clear of the fabric.


Are Ring Slings Easy To Use

There is a slight learning curve to using a ring sling, a little technique involved - but it’s quite a short curve, as most parents and caregivers use the same carrying position all the time with a ring sling.


Beth using a ring sling. She's really is quite good.
Yours truly using a ring sling.


The main advantage to using a ring sling is that it’s lightweight and fuss-free with less fabric than other types of baby carriers and slings.

It can be adjusted before popping baby in, as needed. You can also have it adjusted before you go out, such as to the shops, the park, or in the car. In this way, ring slings can be an amazingly helpful tool in those first challenging and precious few weeks of parenthood, and indeed when out and about with a toddler - you know, who wants to walk for a bit, and then be carried for a while, but then wants back down to walk again!

A ring sling can be really helpful in such situations with a toddler as it not only provides them somewhere to rest their legs, but also to snuggle into you and feel safe - particularly helpful in new or overwhelming places, such as airports, for example.

Ring slings come with full, illustrated instructions, and of course there are a plethora of online tutorials, should you need them. We are always on hand to help with any questions you may have at any time, regarding your ring sling, or indeed babywearing in general!


Is a Ring Sling Right For Me?

By me, I mean you. Bottom line is that a ring sling can be very useful in those first days, weeks and months of parenthood, as it’s lightweight, fuss-free and extremely elegant.

In that initial period after your baby is born (known as the 4th trimester), this can be wonderful - you know that baby is close, secure and connected all snuggled up next to you.

Adjusting as a family and adapting to the changes a newborn brings can be challenging. A ring sling can make this transition simpler - baby is calmed when next to you, they hear your heartbeat, smell you, and feel you. And it's the same for you - you feel them, hear them, smell them. Your body understands this and subsequently produces oxytocin. This has positive effects on both you and baby - on your mental health, and on your emotional and physical well-being.

Remember that with a ring sling there are no buckles or fasteners, just soft woven wrap fabric fabric, so it’s a great option for newborns, still adjusting from womb to world. One size fits most wearers, and ring slings can be very comfortable and supportive for both wearer and baby, particularly as they are so very soft.


How To Use a Ring Sling

Baby's Position: Upright on your chest, off centre, or on the hip.

From Age: Newborn to toddler.

Pro Tip: A ring sling is a superb option for breastfeeding in a sling. It allows for one hand free whilst feeding, so a great option on the go.



5 Tips To Make Babywearing With A Ring Sling More Comfortable

1. Use the pouch to set the seat - some call it a perch, a rope, or a band - use it by setting it behind baby's knees, in a straight line from one knee to the other. This will help create that nice deep seat that you want.

2. Only walk just enough fabric up baby’s back, i.e. only just enough to the bottom of baby's neck.

3. When adjusting the fabric (either up baby's back or through the rings), always try to lift baby's weight - imagine you're doing the robot dance - your arm is bent at the elbow so that your forearm is in a horizontal line and parallel with baby's bottom. Supporting baby in this way will ease the pressure of the fabric in the rings of the sling, allowing it to be more easily adjusted.

4. Always work any excess fabric from around your back towards the rings.

5. Adjust the excess fabric through the rings in a horizontal motion - going in the direction the fabric has come from. The fabric will move through the rings with much greater ease.


Shop Ring Slings


I hope you found this article helpful. Please get in touch or email me - - if you'd like any further info on ring slings or babywearing in general.


Beth Beaney - the Executive Babywearing Consultant at Love To Be Natural

Beth Beaney is the Founder of and Executive Babywearing Consultant at LTBN. She's been a qualified babywearing consultant for 12 years, and has helped thousands of families of all needs carry their babies safely and comfortably. Find her on Twitter @lovetobenatural_LTBN