Babywearing In Cold Weather
by Beth Beaney, Executive Babywearing Consultant & Founder, LTBN
Where the Dickens did the summer go? It may not be very autumnal yet, but it's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to get out and about with your baby in a sling or carrier when the weather takes a turn for the worst. So here are a few hints and tips to stay as comfortable as possible when babywearing (this list isn't exhaustive; if you have your own top tip, please do share!).
Autumnal gusts that sweep you off your feet, wet squelchy leaves underfoot! Our minds turn to all things autumnal. There are a few things you can do to stay as comfortable as possible when babywearing in colder weather, which I have summarised in the handy infographic below. There are also babywearing coats, covers and hats that make babywearing in autumn and winter much more fun!
Don’t forget to cover extremities. A hat that covers the neck and ears is perfect.
Babywearing in Cold Weather - Top Tips
1. Keep as few clothing layers between you and baby as possible. Babies regulate their temperature best when they are closest to you. The natural heat exchange between you both occurs best with fewer, lighter layers; natural fibres help too.
2. Do not use bulky coats and snowsuits on baby; such bulky layers can lead to baby overheating, particularly in younger babies. Older babies can end up with a layer of sweat against their skin which can leave them chilled.
3. Pay extra attention when putting baby in your carrier. Imagine baby in a coat, then imagine you are wrapping them, or lifting the panel of a baby carrier up their back - (visualise the process) - the coat will often end up riding up baby's back and sitting higher than normal. When baby then relaxes or falls asleep their face could potentially be completely obscured by the coat, and their airway could become compromised.
4. Avoid snowsuits for optimal positioning. It's very difficult to achieve that lovely soft, open, raised knee position in a snowsuit - it just doesn't allow for the flexibility of baby's limbs, and doesn't respect their physiology.
5. It's amazing how warm you both stay when carrying, especially when walking and being out and about. Baby's trunk will stay toasty warm, especially younger babies in stretchy wraps - remember to count the layers of a sling as layers of clothing!
6. Be aware of extremities - I know this sounds obvious, but when the weather turns icy, or when it's that chilly damp weather that clings to your bones, remember to cover up little noggins (something that covers the ears too if it's windy), hands if they're exposed, and the lower legs and feet. Think an extra pair of socks / leggings / tights / legwarmers - anything that will add warmth but that can be removed if needed.
7. Layer up around you both. There are lots of options, such as babywearing coats, jackets or covers which make it really easy to get out and about in cold weather, but which are equally easily removed when you go indoors.
8. Have fun! There's no better place for your little one to experience the change of the seasons - the colours, sights and smells - than from the comfort of a sling, tucked up all snug and safe right next to you.
Best Babywearing Coats & Accessories for Cold Weather
Babywearing in autumn and winter can be a funny old thing; sometimes too wet and windy, sometimes oddly mild. So it can be hard to know what to wear when you want to get out and about with your baby in a sling. Here are some of our favourite things that will help keep you covered and warm, so if you want to go out whatever the weather, you can!
We love customer photos and have included our favourite winter babywearing pics below, just to give you a little bit of inspiration or getting out and about!
Last updated