Grapat Toys
The whole ethos behind Grapat toys is free play, loose parts, open and unstructured materials which transform into what children decide, and which are the expressions of their imaginations at any moment in time. ...
Children are encouraged into deep play through the simple design and unstructured nature of the wooden pieces. They will explore colour, shape, design, size - working small motor skills and firing their imaginations as they go.
They are materials without instructions, the only premise is to let children play, without time, slowly. Wood is a material that incites, invites, causes the creation of diverse worlds which are fantastic, realistic and yet entirely imaginary.
The materials themselves have purpose - wood is natural and warm. In the hand the soft forms inspire and the textures soothe. These Waldorf-inspired sets will entrance and entertain from 0 to 100 years! Buy online in the UK with free delivery.