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Love & Carry One Review

Beth Beaney - the Executive Babywearing Consultant at Love To Be Natural

by , Executive Babywearing Consultant & Co-Founder, LTBN


An updated review of what I reckon could well be one of (if not the) best buckle carriers in the world.

That's no small claim, so let's dive in and see what's what.


Baby carriers and slings have been pretty much my every day for the last 17 years.


I've been a qualified consultant for over 14 years.

I've trained with multiple babywearing schools.

I've helped thousands of parents from all over the world carry their babies.

I've used hundreds of different carriers from a plethora or brands.

I have babywearing stories you wouldn't believe (honestly).

Most recently, I've been described as 'a fountain of knowledge with a passion for babywearing that is clear & infectious'.

Am I an expert? Perhaps.

Am I still learning? Of course.

(Although there are plenty of online folks with much less experience than me peddling questionable advice calling themselves bAbYwEaRiNg ExPeRtZ. Yeah, right. LOL).

"Well that's all amazing, Beth, but what does it mean for me?!" I hear you ask.

It basically means I have the experience to help you navigate the world of babywearing and answer any questions you have.

Which sounds obvious I suppose, but when you're in at the deep end of parenting a newborn, sometimes you just need a bit of hand holding.

And it's easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of information on Reddit online.

I mean, I met a woman last week who had a 4 week old, and she couldn't remember the last time she'd brushed her teeth.

So, you know, hand holding.

Anyway, when a new carrier comes across my path, it has to do a lot to impress me.

And one that's supposed to be suitable from newborn?

Well, that has extra boxes to tick.

Which leads me to the Love & Carry ONE.



Looking back, it must have been summer 2020 (oh, the memories; quite hard to believe it was 4 years ago) that Victoria from Ukrainian brand Love & Carry got in touch with us, asking if we'd like to try one of their carriers.

Now, pretty much a week doesn't go by where we don't have somebody from somewhere pitching us with their carriers and slings.

Am I impressed? Rarely.

But I said, "Sure thing, pop one in the post."

And she did.

And I must've liked it, because the rest, as they say, is history.

For the uninitiated, the ONE is the flagship carrier from Ukrainian brand Love & Carry.

I'd go so far as to say it's probably one of (if not THE) best buckle carriers in the world.

Aside from being ridiculously well made, and having all the usual features of a premium carrier (fully adjustable, rollaway panel, lumbar support), it has a really neat lower buckle attachment for young babies.



Fastening it in this way (lower down) means there's no webbing or buckles touching your baby. They are surrounded only by the soft cotton fabric.

The buckles can be tucked away and webbing rolled up neatly so it’s easier to fasten and use. It’s much easier to use too, particularly with a wriggly newborn, as there’s no reaching right across both your bodies and trying to fasten a side-buckle. It also means there’s no webbing or buckles touching or pushing against sensitive postpartum bodies.

It's a feature-rich carrier that includes elements as standard that you'd pay more for in other brands.

Let's take a quick look.

Fully adjustable in the width and height.


So the carrier grows as your baby grows, ensuring they stay in the best ergonomic position. In fact, the One is acknowledged as hip healthy by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, so you'll have lots of peace of mind that your baby will be kept in the best possible position.


Mesh panel for warm weather.


The One has a hidden mesh on the back panel. Unzip the canvas panel and ta da! More breathability during hot weather. Makes babywearing as comfortable as possible.


Multiple position carries.

Front (facing in).






Cross and H shoulder straps.



Use the cross straps to increase support and comfort.


Lumbar support.


A feature you often have to purchase separately with other carriers, it adds extra padded support for your lower back. Particularly handy for when you're carrying an older baby and they're a bit heavier.


Sleep hood.


A sleep hood to cover baby's head when they're, erm... sleeping. Can also be used as a sun hood to cover their heads when it's, erm... sunny.


Canvas bag to store the carrier when you're not using it.

The number of people I meet who say they stopped using their baby carrier because THEY LOST IT is more than you would imagine. So having somewhere safe to keep it is more of a bonus than you think it is.


Storage pocket on the waist-belt.


Handy for keeping bits and bobs in, your keys and phone and such.

Suffice to say, I love it.

Customers love it.

"A 5 star carrier that's more than up to the job of being used all day every day."

That's what Jacqui said about it.

And I'm sure you'll love it too!