Are Slings Safe for Babies?

Carrying a baby with a sling or carrier ('baby carrying' or 'babywearing') is practiced all around the world today. Humans have been carrying babies in slings throughout history.


Simply, our babies expect to be carried, and we are made to carry them. Carrying our babies is normal.


Your baby needs to be carried. Here's why:


  • Carrying your baby helps develop a secure mutual attachment.
  • It allows both parents, or indeed any caregiver, to develop a deep bond with baby.
  • It increases parental sensitivity to a baby's needs - you learn to interpret their noises and expressions so much quicker.
  • It simulates the sensations of pressure, motion, warmth and security of the womb.
  • Carrying your baby in a sling reduces their level of stress.
  • It can greatly reduce crying and fussiness, and also helps your tired baby fall asleep.


A baby sling or carrier is an absolutely necessary element in your parenting 'toolkit'. At the end of the day, it enables you to meet your baby's needs (all of them - emotional, psychological, physiological) whilst still having your hands free to do what you need to do. And this continues as your baby gets older to 1 year old and beyond.


It's liberating. It's empowering. It's wonderful. It's normal!


Carrying your baby in a sling is a beautiful way to bond and make a deep connection. It also enables you to get on with the everyday - whether it's UN-style negotiations with other children, or just a hot cup of tea, having your baby in a sling or carrier can make that all so much easier.


Carrying your baby or toddler in a sling is perfectly safe when practiced with common sense and understanding. As with all things in life a cupful of knowledge and a sprinkling of common sense is the best recipe to ensure happy carrying for you and your little one. Use a quality carrier and ensure you read the instructions on its use.


As a Trageschule UK and Slingababy trained Consultant, I can help answer any questions regarding sling safety that you have, and I'm always happy to help you on your carrying journey.


We promote slings and carriers that provide optimal comfort for your baby and for you. We stock slings and carriers that provide great support and the best possible positioning for your baby.


You can learn more about babywearing safety by checking out the T.I.C.K.S. Rules for Safe Babywearing, and the ABC guide courtesy of Babywearing International.


There is a growing body of evidence based research that demonstrates the very real, positive impact of a secure attachment, of responsive parenting and that carrying your baby in a sling can have on the development of babies brains, their well-being through life and the long-term positive outcomes for mothers too.


A knowledgeable and experienced consultant can help guide you through the best sling options for you and your baby, and help ensure optimal, safe positioning for baby and comfort for you.


Reach out to us here, and we will more than happily help you and guide you through your choices and give you all the information you need to achieve safe and happy carrying.