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Babywearing in Summer - 8 Top Tips For Staying Safe & Cool

Beth Beaney - Owner, Founder and Executive Babywearing Consultant at Love To Be Natural


by , Executive Babywearing Consultant at LTBN

Babywearing in Summer - 8 Top Tips For Staying Safe & Cool. A woman at the beach, walking barefoot along the shore carrying her baby in a Mini Monkey Mini Sling


Summer is a great time to get out and about with your baby in a sling. There's so much to see and do, explore and experience, and so many places you can go that would ordinarily be difficult to access if you had a buggy. There are so many fun and lightweight baby carriers that are perfect for warm weather, that there's no reason not to get outside on a beautiful day with your baby in a carrier. Here are our top tips for staying as cool as a cucumber whilst babywearing this summer!


So it may not be here quite yet but the weather *will* get warmer and summer will arrive (fingers crossed, right?!). In the heat, it's hard not to 'glow' (my French teacher once chastised me for using the term sweat - she would always say 'pigs sweat, men perspire & woman glow').

Glowing or not, I freely admit to being a complete and utter sweaty bundle when it's warm - and when carrying babies in slings, you get to carry another little sweaty bundle too!


A woman standing at the beach in front of rocks wearing a vest and white linen trousers carrying her baby in a Love and Carry One Wood Carrier


Babies can become fractious in the heat (as can you!) - watch for these cues, take a break and cool down.


But there are a few things you can do to stay as comfortable as possible when babywearing in summer, which I have summarised in the handy infographic below. There are also some carriers that are more suited to carrying in hot weather - Best Baby Carriers for Summer 2024.


Babywearing In Summer and Warm Weather Infographic
Top tips for babywearing in summer.


8 Top Tips For Staying Safe & Cool Babywearing in Summer

  1. Drink or feed often, both of you.
  2. Stay out of the sun if you can, especially at midday.
  3. Cover extremities with a wide-brimmed hat or parasol.
  4. Wear light, neutral coloured clothing made from natural fibres as these are the most breathable.
  5. Remember that a sling is like a layer of clothing, so adjust what you're wearing accordingly, but make sure you're still covered up.
  6. Use a muslin cloth between you and baby to soak up any excess sweat.
  7. Babies can become fractious in the heat (as can you!) - watch for these cues, take a break and cool down.
  8. Use sunblock where appropriate.


Remember that a sling is like a layer of clothing, so adjust what you're wearing accordingly, but make sure you're still covered up.


The Best Baby Carriers & Slings For Summer

Our babywearing experts have hand-picked the best baby carriers for summer to help you choose a summer infant baby carrier and you can read all about them in our new blog post here.

In general, baby carriers that work well in summer and / or warmer weather generally speaking fall into 2 categories:

- those that are lighter / less structured, and therefore naturally cooler in themselves, and;

- those that have been specifically designed for babywearing in warmer weather (using a mesh fabric for the main panel, for example).

With options ranging from carriers that have special mesh panels to keep you cool, such as the Love and Carry ONE and the Love Radius Physiocarrier, and carriers that are in themselves smaller, lightweight and have a small form factor such as the Marsupi Breeze and the Minimonkey Mini Sling, there is plenty to choose from so that both you and baby are as comfortable and cool as possible, regardless of the weather.


A man with dark hair and a beard wearing sunglasses and a blue t-shirt standing in a sunny forest and pointing at the camera, carrying his blond-haired son in a grey Love Radius Physiocarrier with the panel rolled away and using the mesh panel.


Things to Think About When Babywearing In Summer

Be mindful of signs of overheating in your baby, such as sweating, redness, and fussiness. If you notice any of these signs, take a break, find some shade and cool down.

It goes without saying that it can take a little bit of extra thought and effort when and choosing the right baby carrier can make all the difference.

Babywearing in the summer is an amazing way way to bond with your baby while enjoying the outdoors. By following these tips, you can ensure that both you and your baby stay safe and comfortable, all summer long!

I hope you found this article helpful. Please get in touch or email me - - if you'd like any further info on babywearing in summer and when it's warm, babywearing in general, or advice on any products at all.


Beth Beaney - the Executive Babywearing Consultant at Love To Be Natural

Beth Beaney is the Founder of and Executive Babywearing Consultant at LTBN. She's been a qualified babywearing consultant for 12 years, and has helped hundreds of families of all needs carry their babies safely and comfortably. Find her on Twitter @lovetobenatural_LTBN